1. Where is RAM located ?
a) Expansion Board
b) External Drive
c) Mother Board
d) All of above
2. In which of the following form, data is stored in computer ?
a) Decimal
b) Binary
c) HexaDecimal
d) Octal
3. What is full form of EXIF ?
a) Exchangeable Image Fine Finish
b) Exchangeable Image File Format
c) Executable Image File Format
d) Executable Image File Finish
4. An electronic path, that sends signals from one part of computer to another is ?
a) Logic Gate
b) Modem
c) Bus
d) Serial Port
5. In banking, railways etc which computers are used ?
a) Mini Computers
b) Micro Computers
c) Main Frames
d) Super Computers
6. A wireless technology built in electronic gadgets used for exchanging data over short distances is ?
a) Bluetooth
b) Wifi
c) Modem
d) USB
7. Who is also known as father of Jquery ?
a) Vint cerf
b) John Resig
c) Larry Page
d) Chales Babbage
8.What is the meaning of OSI, in terms of computers ?
a) Open Software Intrerelation
b) Open System Intrerelation
c) Open Software Interconnection
d) Open System Interconnection
9.Which function key is used to check spellings ?
a) F2
b) F5
c) F7
d) F11
10. In computer what converts AC to DC ?
b) Adapter
c) RAM