Computer Quiz for IBPS | RRB – Set 199


1. Which term is used to describe RAM?
a) Video RAM (VRAM)
b) Static RAM (SRAM)
c) Dynamic RAM (DRAM)
d) All of the above

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Answer d) All of the above.

2. The difference between memory and storage is that memory is _____________and storage is___________
a) Temporary, permanent
b) Volatile, Non volatile
c) Permanent, temporary
d) Slow, fast

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Answer a) Temporary, permanent.

3. A __ represents approximately one billion memory location
a) megabyte
b) kilobyte
c) gigabyte
d) terabyte

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Answer c) gigabyte.

4. The symbol is used to indicate a point at which decision has to be made _____________
a) processing
b) decision
c) terminal
d) connector

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Answer b) decision.

5. To locate a data item for storage is ____________
a) fetch
b) field
c) database
d) feed

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Answer a) fetch.

6. Which of the following memories needs refresh?
b) ROM
d) RAM

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Answer c) DRAM.

7. A common topology to any network is ______ topology
a) Ring
b) Tree
c) Bus
d) Star

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Answer d) Star.

8. A method of implementing a memory management system is ______________
a) Buddy system
b) Broadband coaxial system
c) Bridgeware system
d) None of these

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Answer a) Buddy system.

9. Which is the type of memory for information that does not change on your computer?
c) ROM
d) RAM

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Answer c) ROM.

10. A name or number used to identify a storage location devices?
a) An icon
b) An address
c) A record
d) A byte

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Answer b) An address.