1. The ________ can be programmed one time by either the manufacturer or the computer user. Once programmed, it cannot be modified.
a) RAM
b) ROM
2. Which of the following is not true of a magnetic disk?
a) Users can update records by writing over the old data
b) It provides sequential access to stored data
c) It is slow relative to magnetic tape
d) All of the above are true
3. Which of the following was (were) not used in first-generation computers?
a) vacuum tubes
b) punch cards
c) magnetic core
d) all of the above
4. Following is not true for Backup files
a) These are the files which are generated automatically in when one saves a document.
b) These files help in protecting the document due to out of order of the computer or power failure.
c) These files delete as soon as computer is turned off
d) None of these
5. An algebra that deals with logical propositions which are either true or false is referred as
a) Boolean algebra
b) Modern Algebra
c) Abstract Algebra
d) None of these
6. Bandwidth is
a) The range of frequencies available for data transmission
b) Data transmission rate
c) Alternate for rubber band
d) None is true
7. A coding structure in which characters are represented by means of a series of parallel bars is
a) Bar Code
b) Menu bar
c) Numeric bar
d) None of these
8. In Broadband system a network system
a) Several analog signals share the same physical network channel.
b) Only digital signals share the same physical network channel.
c) Single analog signals share the same physical network channel.
d) None of these.
9. Bit stands for
a) binary digit
b) one binary piece of information
c) Both A and B are true
d) None is true
10. Advantage of a multiprogramming system is
a) simultaneous execution of program instructions from two applications
b) concurrent processing of two or more programs
c) single processing at a time
d) none of these