1. PDF stands for:
a) Portable Document File
b) Portable Document Format
c) Paired Drive Format
d) None of These
2. 7zip, Anti Virus etc. are examples of:
a) Application Software
b) Utilities Software
c) System Software
d) None of These
3. First programmable computer was developed by:
a) John Gosling
b) Charles Babbage
c) Konrad Zuse
d) None of These
4. First digital computer was ABC. ABC stands for:
a) Atanasoff-Berry Computer
b) Antiano-Berry Computer
c) Albertiio-Berry Computer
d) None of These
5. First computer company was:
a) Abacia IT Company
b) Digi-Tech Company
c) Electronic Controls Company
d) None of These
6. Microphone is an ________device, which takes voice as input:
a) Output
b) Input
c) Both of Above
d) None of These
7. A standard language used for commercial applications is:
c) C++
d) None of these
8. Which of the following file extension is used for Video :
a) .mov
c) Both of Above
d) None of These
9. VGA stands for:
a) Virtual Graphics Assessment
b) Video Graphics Array
c) Various Graphics Arrays
d) None of These
10. SVGA stands for:
a) Super VGA
b) Special VGA
c) Standard VGA
d) None of These