1. Lightening in the atmosphere produces
a) NO
b) CO
c) CO2
d) NH3
2. In India the biggest source of industrial organic pollution are
a) Distilleries
b) Pulp and Paper industries
c) Textiles Units
d) Tanneries
3. DDT accumulates in which part of the body
a) Bones
b) Blood
c) Fat
d) Muscles
4. In Science, Jar test is used to determine
a) Turbidity of water
b) Settling of colloids
c) Coagulant dose
d) Coagulation time
5. Permanent hardness is caused by
a) Bicarbonates and Sulphates
b) Carbonates and Chlorides
c) Carbonates and Bicarbonates
d) Chlorides and Sulphates
6. Which industry is the biggest user of mercury
a) Fugicides
b) Pulp and paper
c) Electroplating
d) Chlor-alkali
7. DDT can reduce bird population by
a) BY affecting their breeding time
b) Thermal insulation
c) Reducing their sperm count
d) Increasing their fragility of eggs
8. Dobson is the unit of
a) Greenhouse gas
b) Sound
c) Conc. of Ozone in troposphere
d) Light
9. The major ore of mercury is
a) Galena
b) Azurite
c) Magnetite
d) Cinnabar
10. Knock-Knee syndrome is caused by which of the following element
a) Arsenic toxicity
b) Cadmium Toxicity
c) Fluoride Toxicity
d) Selenium Toxicity