Call drops in India above global average : Survey

A survey has found out that on average 4.73 per cent of calls get dropped in the country, much higher than the global average of three per cent. By the RedMango Analytics report, 59.1 per cent of dropped calls were due to poor quality and 36.9 per cent of all the dropped calls were due to network faults. RedMango Analytics conducted the survey across 20 cities, including Mumbai, Kolkata, Bengaluru and Jammu.

Poor quality can be defined as high interference in the radio signal from the mobile phone to the tower and vice versa that causes calls to drop. According to the report, higher-priced smartphones worth Rs 30,000 and above experienced lowest call drops followed by mid-range smartphones.

RedMango measured the voice experience of these handsets across multiple networks and cities. There are three other reasons negatively impacting the call drop scenario. The most easily identifiable reason being poor connectivity, the second poor quality and lastly network failures, which means a call may also drop due to various network issues such as congestion.

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