California signed Right to Die Bill for terminally ill people into a Law

California finally allowed terminally ill patients to end their lives legally under the supervision of doctors as they now have a right to die. California has now become the fifth state in United States to allow terminally ill patients to legally end their lives. The other four states are Oregon (1997), Washington(2009) , Vermont(2013) and Montana(2009). The right-to-die bill was introduced by the California lawmakers in 2015 for the first time since 2007. The law in these four states allows terminally ill adult patients to seek lethal medication from their physicians.

The bill is the result of an incident. A Californian woman, Brittany Maynard, moved to Oregon to end her life as she couldn’t do so in California. Religious groups had opposed the bill, saying assisted suicide was against God’s will. The Catholic Church had urged Governor Brown to veto it.

About California: 

  • It is a state located on the West Coast of the United States.
  • It is the most populous U.S. state.
  • Capital: Sacramento
  • Language: English

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