Cabinet approves National Capital Goods Policy

The Union Cabinet has approved the national capital goods policy. The government believes implementation of the capital goods policy is critical and needed to give a boost to the sector and the ‘Make in India‘ initiative.

  • The government had unveiled the National Capital Goods Policy in February. This is the first time such a policy has been framed for the sector.
  • The Cabinet has also green flagged the doubling of two rail lines in Bihar and Jharkhand and approved incentives for rural housing.
  • In particular, the policy will make sure the country utilizes the capital goods that already exist and cut down on imports, he says.
  • To give a rough idea, the capacity utilization for the industry as a whole, he says, would be between 45 percent and 70 percent, adding, Thermax operated at a capacity level of 50 percent-60 percent.
  • Indian companies will find themselves exporting capital goods into countries where there is a trade deficit.
  • Long-term loans will be made available to these companies through the likes of EXIM bank.
  • One can see India offering sops to Indian companies wanting to export more in the manner of countries like China and Japan, says Unnikrishnan.

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