Boxing india removes Sandeep Jajodia after ‘No- Confidence Motion.’

Boxing India (BI) President Sandeep Jajodia and Secretary General Jay Kowli  lost no confidence motion at the Special General Meeting held on 3rd May 2015. Most of the state units have revolted against him. Kowli had resigned on 2nd May 2015.

Jajodia, who took charge of Boxing India in September last year after elections monitored by the International Boxing Association, received two votes against 55.

BI’s disgruntled units had claimed that things have come to a standstill in the organisation due to a lack of trust between the president and general secretary Jay Kowli. In the follow-up, Jajodia had declared to all BI members that he could no longer work with Kowli.

Recently, an Executive Committee Meeting called by BI had been boycotted by 16 of the 20 EC members with even Secretary General Jay Kowli skipping it owing to differences with Jajodia.

Jajodia in his appeal alleged that influential figures in the Indian Olympics Association (IOA) intentionally did not recognise BI even after the International Boxing Association’s (AIBA) instruction to dismiss the Indian Amateur Boxing Federation’s (IABF) ad-hoc committee and treat BI as the governing body for boxing in the country.


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