1. E E F C denotes?
a) Exchange Earners Foreign Currency Account
b) Importer’s account with Bank
c) Account maintained by a exporter with RBI
d) None of these
2. Exchange risk in case of foreign currency Non Resident (Banks) scheme (FCNB) is borne by?
a) RBI
b) Depositor
c) Govt. of India
d) Concerned Bank
e) None of these
3. Which of these is not a credit rating agency?
a) Moody’s
b) Standard & Poor’s
c) Price water house
e) None of these
4. Consortium Advances refer to?
a) Concurrent borrowings
b) Multiple financing
c) Joint Financing by more than one bank
d) Financing of consignment business
e) None of these
5. The term Allonge refers to?
a) The sheets of paper used in writing a deed
b) The stamps affixed on document
c) A sheet of paper attached to mortgage deed for the Purpose of witness
d) A sheet of papers attached to a negotiable instrument for the purpose of making endorsement thereof when there is no space in the instrument
6. The provision of Consumer Protection Act, 1986 are applicable to the services rendered by the Banks?
a) To the customers of the bank only
b) To the customers and the users of services irrespective of against consideration or free services
c) To the customers and any user of Bank?s services against consideration
d) None of these
7. As per section 16 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 a person can be appointed as a director of how many banking companies?
a) Three
b) Two
c) One
d) Four
e) None of these
8. Banking ombudsman means?
a) Person appointed to recover dues from defaulting borrowers
b) A person to whom customer can approach for redress of his grievances
c) A person appointed to settle dispute between employees and management
d) A person appointed by RBI to oversee the functioning of Foreign Banks
e) None of these
9. C.R.A. is banking parlance stands for?
a) Credit Rating Association
b) Credit Rating Agency
c) Credit Risk Assessment
d) None of these
10. E.P.S. in share market stands for?
a) Earning per share
b) Electronic Payment System
c) Employee Pension Scroll
d) Equated Payment System
e) None of these