Badal launches ePMS Portal as a part of Digital India Week

Punjab Chief MinisterParkash Singh Badal has launched the state ePMS Portal or Electronic Projects Management System portal to fast track infrastructural development. The project was kicked off in Digital India Week. The main aim of the project is to enhance efficiency, bring transparency, boost the investor confidence, revive the investment cycle, eliminate the human interaction and improve the communication between industries to Government (B2G), State to Centre (G2G), or vice versa (G2B).

The ePMS Portal also includes preparation of agenda that could be generated online and circulated with auto mailer to all the Nodal Officers, Secretary of the Ministries or Departments and Invitees with their name. Industries get the immediate response from the automatic mailer and they could see the current status of concerned projects through this platform immediately after the subgroup meeting is over if the decision being entered online.

Facts about Punjab
  • Punjab is also called land of five rivers. Five rivers are Beas, Sutlej, Ravi, Chenab and Jhelum.
  • Bhangra, Giddha, Dhola are some famous dances of Punjab.
  • Though the majority of the landscape in Punjab is highly fertile, the south-east region has semi-arid and desert features as well.
  • The state capital is located in Chandigarh, a Union Territoryand also the capital of the neighbouring state of Haryana.