DMRC finally cleared for Kerala’s Light Metro project

Chief Minister Oommen Chandy has announced that the state government has cleared the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) as the implementing agency and given administrative sanction for the proposed Light Metro project in Kozhikode and Thiruvananthapuram. The project is expected to ease the traffic in the busy capital city and Kozhikode. ‘Metro Man’ E Sreedharan, advisor to DMRC, would be overseeing the project.

Loan Sharing
  • Forty percent of the cost is expected to be shared equally by the state and the central governmen
  • Rest through loans from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) with very low rates of interests.
God's Own Country - FACTS
  • Kerala was created on 1 November 1956 following the States Reorganisation Act by combining various Malayalam-speaking regions.
  • The Chera Dynasty was the first prominent kingdom based in Kerala, though it frequently struggled against attacks from the neighbouring Cholas and Pandyas.
  • Kerala is socially the most advanced state in India. Everyone is literate here and most are High School educated.
  • The health care system is highly advanced. Even the poorest can afford care at Government run hospitals.
  • State Festival :Onam
  • State Animal:Elephant
  • State Bird:Hornbill (Bensyrus bicemis)
  • State Flower:Kanikonna(Cassia fistula)
  • State Tree:Coconut Tree(Cocos nucifera)

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Who is the current Governor of Kerala?

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Answer – Retd CJI P Sathasivam

India’s first hi-speed rural broadband network would be commissioned in ___________ District of Kerala

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Answer – Idukki

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