Railways Minister Suresh Prabhu inaugurates R-Mitra app for women’s safety

Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu inaugurated a mobile app, R-Mitra, to ensure women’s safety.R-mitra is introduced by Eastern Railway in Kolkata.

“Women’s safety has become very important, they are subjected to atrocities in different places like work place, home and during travel,” Mr Prabhu said.


Full Form: Railway Mobile Instant Tracking Response and Assistance

Function: is to alert the nearest RPF inspector and divisioFunnal security control room in case of any emergency with the press of a button.

Process:  Android users can download the App from Google Play Store using the search word RMitra and install it. After it is installed, a user needs to fill in her basic personal information. Once the button on the app is pressed, the physical location of the victim will be sent to the control room with the help of GPS and GPRS and the control room will track the user and ensure action immediately. 


  • The best advantage is that app works both online and offline in SMS mode by using the helpline number 56161..
  • the App is available for android users at the moment.
  • Those using non-smart phones can simply type ERAILHELP followed by a customized message and send it to 56161.

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