Recommendations for Dronacharya Awards

Wrestling coach Anoop Singh and Paralympics coach Naval singh were among the five names recommended for this year’s Dronacharya Awards by a selection panel

Anoop and Naval were recommended on the basis of current performance (2011-2014), while Nihar Amin (swimming), S R Singh (boxing), Harbans Singh (athletics) were considered in the ‘Lifetime Achievement Category’ in which achievements over a period of 20 years is taken into account

Three-time National Champion and international wrestler, Anoop has guided top grapplers such as Sushil Kumar, Yogeshwar Dutt, Satyawart Kadian, Bajrang, Amit Dahiya, and around 58 wrestlers to achieve their dream. The recommendations will now be sent to the Sports Minister Sarbananda Sonowal, who will take a final decision. Only after the Sports Minister signs the file, the names would be made public.
The awards are to be given away by the President Pranab Mukherjee on August.
About Dronacharya Award
1.The award is bestowed on person in recognition of his excellence in sports coaching. Established in 1985 and named after Dronacharya who was the teacher of Arjuna (a protagonist of the Mahabharata along with Krishna).
2.The award is presented by the Union Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports. Award caries: A bronze statuette of Dronacharya, a scroll of honour and a cash component of five lakh rupees.
3.It should be noted that O.M. Nambiar (Athletics), Om Prakash Bhardwaj (Boxing) and Bhalchandra Bhaskar Bhagwat (Wrestling) were the first recipients of this prestigious award.
4. Fernandez (Boxing) from Cuba is the first foreign coach to be awarded Dronacharya Award in 2012.
The Dronacharya award is presented by the which ministry?
-Union Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports.

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