Computer Quiz for Bank | SSC – 343
1. Which computer has been designed to be as compact as possible?
a) Mini
b) Super Computer
c) Micro Computer
d) Mainframe
2. The Symbols used in an assembly language are_______
a) Codes
b) Mnemonics
c) Assembler
d) Literals
3. Potrait and Landscape are_______
a) Page Orientation
b) Page Size
c) Page Layout
d) Margin Type
4. Any storage device addesd to a computer beyond the immediately usable main stoarge is known as
a) Floppy Disk
b) Hard Disk
c) Backing Store
d) Punched Card
5. Which output device is used for translating information from a computer into pictorial form on paper?
a) Mouse
b) Plotter
c) Touch Panel
d) Card Punch
6. A computer assisted method for the recording and analyzing of existing or hypothetical system is
a) Data Transmission
b) Data Flow
c) Data Capture
d) Data Processing
7. Which access method is used for obtaining a record from a cassette tape?
a) Direct
b) Sequential
c) Random
8. Find the ODD one.
b) Cobal
c) Fortran
d) Linux
9. The 2’s compliment of a binary no. is obtained by adding __________ to its 1’s compliment.
a) 0
b) 1
c) 10
d) 12
10. With respect to a network interface card, the term 10/100 refers to _________.
a) Protocol Speed
b) A Fiber Speed
c) Megebits per seconds
d) Minimum and Maximum server speed