GOI proposes direct transfer of fertilizer subsidy to farmers

GOI has proposed to transfer fertilizer subsidy directly into farmers’ accounts and is planning a road map for the pilot project. A major challenge in operationalising this scheme lies in identification of beneficiary farmers as in many states the land records are neither accurate nor updated. The Department of Fertilizers is planning to have a phased approach and prepare a road map for pilot project in select districts to capture the details and identity proof of farmers like aadhaar number and land details.

Benefits of Organic Fertilizers
  • Organic fertilizers are fertilizers derived from animal matter, human excreta or vegetable matter.
  • Organic fertilizers differ from chemicals, in that, they feed your plants while building the soil’s structure.
  • Soils with lots of organic material, remain loose and airy, are better able to hold moisture and nutrients, foster growth of soil organisms, including earthworms, and promote healthier root development.
  • Organic fertilizer works slowly, it provides long-term nutrition and steady, rather than excessive growth.
  • Use of organic fertilizers ensures that the food items produced are free of harmful chemicals.
  • The majority of organic fertilizers can be prepared locally or on the farm itself. Hence, the cost of these fertilizers is much lower than the cost of chemical fertilizers.
  • Organic fertilizers ensure that the farms remain fertile for hundreds of years.
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