Tricks for learning countries that touches Indian States

Hello friends,

No more  Mugging!! Here is a trick to learn all the Indian States which are connected to different countries. I have tried my level best to provide you with the concise tricks. Please provide me with your views.

Trick-1 :“J & K is pa-rallel to Gujarat”.

Pakistan touches the following Indian States:

  • J & K– Jammu & Kashmir
  • Pa-rallel-
    •  Pa-Punjab
    • Ra-Rajasthan
  • Gujarat– Gujarat

Trick-2- “My na-me is Miz-as”

Myanmar touches the following states:

  • My– Myanmar ( the Country)
  • Na- Nagaland
  • Me– Meghalaya
  • Miz-Mizoram
  • As– Assam

Trick-3 : Megh ban Mi(My) Web trip”.

Bangladesh touches the following Indian States:

  1. Megh: Meghalay
  2. Ban: Bangladesh(The Country)
  3. Mi-Mizoram
  4. Web: West Bengal
  5. Trip ; Tripura

Trick- 4: “Him and Aruna went  to J& K and Sikkim and had chai(Tea).”

China touches the following countries

  • Him: Himachal pradesh
  • Aruna: Arunachal Pradesh
  • J& K : Jammuand Kashmir
  • Sikkim: Sikkim
  • Chi– China( The Country)

Trick-5: SAAB

Bhutan touches the following Country:

  • S- Sikkim
  • A-Arunachal Pradesh
  • A-Assam
  • B- Bengal

Thank -you