1.Do you know that water pollution is one of offences __________ the environment and that it is punished by law?
a) to
b) against
c) for
d) by
2.scientists say that stars called super-giants have ______ (a radius) many times larger than that of our planet.
a) radies
b) radiu
c) radius
d) radii
3.When a __________ on this bill was going on in the parliament ,a group of persons __________ outside the parliment house against the bill.
a) Argument,objected
b) Discussion,Demonatrated
c) Debate,Discobcerted
d) Deliberation,Dissented
4.In America marital _______has become the number one mental health problem and at least one in every five American couples needs the help of a trained counselor who can spot problems of these __________ couples and find out their solutions.
a) Anguish,Thriving
b) Sorrow,Thriving
c) Distress,Sparring
d) Agony,Mounting
5.The boss could not _____ the meaning of the new instructions received form head office and he found them_______.
a) Make up,Conspicuous
b) Make off,Obvious
c) Make out,Ambiguous
d) Make for,Prominent
6.Find the error in the following sentence.
a) It is not difficult to believe that a man
b) Who has lived in this city for a long time
c) he will never feel at home anywhere else in the world.
d) No error
7.Find the error in the following sentence.
a) It is the duty of every right thinking citizen
b) to try to make the whole world
c) a happier place to live.
d) No error
8.Find the error in the following sentence.
a) Many a man has realized that real
b) happiness lies in making sacrifices and not in
c) personal aggrandizement.
d) No error
9.Find the error in the following sentence.
a) Honestly speaking ,i like her not
b) because she is beautiful and rich
c) but that she is exceedingly kind.
d) No error
10.Find the error in the following sentence.
a) When he persisted in making the same
b) mistake despite constant reminders
c) i explained him where he had gone wrong.
d) No error