1.Plastic currency issued first by Which of the following country ?
a) Australia
b) United states
c) Brazil
d) France
2.When was the ‘National Law Day or National constitution Day’ celebrated in India________
a) April 15
b) September 20
c) November 26
d) November 28
3.What is the theme of world cancer day 2016________
a) We can. I can
b) Wetlands for our Future
c) Not beyond us
d) Open Up, Reach Out
4.Who is the present chief justice of INDIA_______
a) Justice H L Dattu
b) T S Thakur
c) Sunil Ambwan
d) Kalyan Jyoti Sengupta
5.South Button National Park is located in which of the following State________
a) Andaman nicobar
b) Madhaya pradesh
c) Andhra Pradesh
d) Rajasthsn
6.Indian Institute of Ecology and Environment located at which city________
a) Mumbai
b) New Delhi
c) Kolkata
d) chennai
7.bhogi pongal festival celebrated in which state of india_________
a) Karnatika
b) Kerala
c) Tamil Nadu
d) Maharastra
8.Which of the following is the classical dance of Uttaranchal__________
a) Laho
b) Hatlari
c) Chan
d) Garwali
9.Where is the Head Quarter of The Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA)________
a) Singapore
b) Zurich, Switzerland
c) Dubai, UAE
d) Rome, Italy
10.Basin reserve,Wellington stadium is situated in which of the following country________
a) West Indies
b) Pakistan
c) New Zealand
d) South Africa