Banking Quiz for SBI| IBPS – 142


1. What is a major function of NABARD?
a) To establish linkage between Self Help Group (SHG)
b) To provide refinancing facility
c) To conduct programs for agriculture and rural development
d) To inspect and supervise the cooperative banks and RRBs

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Answer b) To provide refinancing facility

2. When was the Financial Market Department was established by RBI?
a) May, 1999
b) Jan, 2000
c) July, 2005
d) Aug, 2002

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Answer c) July, 2005

3. Who is the first chairman of private sector banks association?
a) P N Joshi
b) Kiran Kumar
c) Harpeet Singh
d) M K Sinha

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Answer a) P N Joshi

4. In which year does the RBI has introduced the Banking Ombudsman Scheme?
a) 2002
b) 2000
c) 1998
d) 1995

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Answer d) 1995

5. Which is the biggest commercial bank in India?
a) Indian Overseas Bank
b) SBI
c) PNB
d) Indian Bank

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Answer b) SBI

6. In which year does the Differential Rate of Interest Scheme was introduced?
a) 1972
b) 1982
c) 1978
d) 1988

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Answer a) 1972

7. How many Deputy Governors are there in RBI?
a) Three
b) Two
c) Four
d) Six

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Answer c) Four

8. Which is the first Indian Bank which was fully owned by Indians?
a) Indian Overseas Bank
b) Central Bank of India
c) SBI
d) PNB

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Answer b) Central Bank of India

9. Which is the oldest Bank to start Joint Stock in India?
a) Bank of Baroda
b) PNB
c) SBI
d) Allahabad Bank

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Answer d) Allahabad Bank

10. Headquarters of State Bank of India was located at_______.
a) Mumbai
b) Delhi
c) Bangalore
d) Kolkata

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Answer a) Mumbai

11. What will happen if the RBI increases the Cash Reserve Ratio?
a) All other banks will decreases its interest rate
b) All other banks will increase its interest rate
c) The value of money multiplier increases
d) The value of money multiplier decreases

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Answer c) The value of money multiplier increases

12. Which is the first share market that was established in India?
a) Mumbai
b) Kolkata
c) Delhi
d) Hyderabad

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Answer a) Mumbai

13. Commercial paper is a short term security issued by _______ to raise funds.
a) National Stock Exchange
b) Large and well known companies
c) Commercial Banks
d) RBI

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Answer b) Large and well known companies

14. Among the following, which is NOT a money market instrument?
a) Repo
b) Commercial Paper
c) Treasury Bond
d) Treasury Bill

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Answer c) Treasury Bond

15. Which of the following types of institutions operates in the call money market only as lender?
a) State Bank of India
b) Commercial Bank
c) SBI
d) Insurance Companies

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Answer d) Insurance Companies