Marketing Quiz for SBI PO | SBI Clerk – Set 23

1. The Sherman Act (1890) prohibits? 
a)    Price discrimination by manufacturers
b)    Deceptive pricing
c)    Monopoly or conspiracy to fix or control prices
d)    Quantity discounts

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Answer c)    Monopoly or conspiracy to fix or control prices    

2. Which of the following is NOT an economic need, which guides consumer behavior?
a)    Convenience
b)    Dependability
c)    Social acceptability
d)    Economy of purchase or use

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Answer c)    Social acceptability

3. Psychological variables that affect a purchase decision include all of the following EXCEPT?     
a)    Motivation
b)    Culture
c)    Perception
d)    Attitude

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Answer b)    Culture

4. Drive, cues, and response are the steps used by many to describe?        
a)    Adaptation process
b)    Learning process
c)    Perception building
d)    Attitude development

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Answer b)    Learning process

5. A buyer-seller relationship based on the idea of trading sales for sales is known as?        
a)    Competitive biding
b)    Reciprocity
c)    Collaboration
d)    B2B sales

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Answer b)    Reciprocity

6. The two basic methods for obtaining information about customers are?        
a)    Questioning and focus group interviews
b)    Survey questionnaires and focus group interviews
c)    Observing and survey questionnaires
d)    Questioning and observing

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Answer d)    Questioning and observing

7. The most widely used form of qualitative questioning in marketing research is the?   
a)    Focus group interview
b)    Survey questionnaires
c)    Telephone surveys
d)    Mail/email surveys

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8. A group of consumers who provide information on a continuing basis is a(n)? 
a)    Focus group
b)    Consumer panel
c)    Sample population
d)    Target market

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Answer b)    Consumer panel

9. A product may consist of a ? 
a)    Good
b)    Service
c)    Both of the above
d)    None of the above

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Answer c)    Both of the above

10.Which of the following statements is NOT true about services?  
a)    They are experienced, used or consumed
b)    They are often sold first, then consumed
c)    They are perishable
d)    They are tangible

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Answer d)    They are tangible