Dear Aspirants,
Welcome to D2G’s IBPS Agriculture Officer Quiz Section.
1. Bund former is used for making?
a) Furrows
b) Ridges/bunds
c) Soil smooth
d) All of these
2. The instrument used for measuring the depth of water table is known as?
a) Lyzimeter
b) Odometer
c) Piezometer
d) Evaporimeter
3. The oil and protein content of groundnut are?
a) 20% and 50%
b) 26% and 45%
c) 45% and 26%
d) 50% and 26%
4. Which is the leading state in production of groundnut?
a) U.P
b) Rajasthan
c) Haryana
d) Gujarat
5. Stevenson screen is related to?
a) Bacteriology
b) Biotechnology
c) Agrometeorology
d) Remote sensing
6. ‘Congress grass’ can be controlled by?
a) Chrysomella spp.
b) Dactylopius tomentosus
c) Zygogramma bicolarata
d) Neochetina spp.
7. The origin place of potato is?
a) China
b) South America
c) Tropical America
d) Africa
8. A fertilizer which supplies three essential nutrients is?
a) DAP
b) SSP
c) MOP
d) SOP
9. Salts in the xylem ducts of the root are carried upward with?
a) Photosynthesis
b) Transpiration stream
c) Respiration
d) Guttation
10. The downward movement of surface soil water is known as?
a) infilteration
b) percolation
c) leaching
d) wash out