Virag Mare – Vada Pav seller to Guinness Record Holder

Virag Mare runs a Vada Pav stall to earn his livelihood. He earns very less but his financial condition couldn’t stop his dream.  His poor financial condition forced him to shift his base from Mumbai to Pune to sustain his cricketing career. Virag Mare etched his name on the Guinness Book of World Records by having the longest batting net session. Mare batted for three days and two nights to break the record for the longest individual net session.

Playing at the Mahalaxmi Lawns in Karve Nagar, Mare commenced his net session on December 22, and faced 2,447 overs (14,682 balls), in exactly 50 hours, five minutes and 51 seconds. The 24-year-old, who faced deliveries from both a bowler and a bowling machine, broke the previous record of 48 hours set by English duo Dave Newman and Richard Wells.

Mare’s journey to the Guinness Book of World Records has not been a smooth ride as eight years back, the then 16-year-old travelled to batting maestro Sachin Tendulkar’s legendary childhood coach Ramakant Achrekar’s academy in Mumbai. However, as destiny had its say, Mare had to drop out due to his inability to pay fee.

Don’t blame the circumstances. Always create opportunities. Work Harder. Aim Big. Dream Big. Have the thirst to succeed. You will achieve what you want. You believe in You.

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