India ranks 4th among world’s most vacation-deprived nations

India is the fourth most vacation-deprived nation globally, with 65 per cent saying they feel very or somewhat vacation-deprived nations, according to a survey. About 65 per cent of Indians feel they feel very or somewhat vacation-deprived, and 20 per cent said they are very vacation-deprived, full service online travel site Expedia’s ‘2015 Vacation Deprivation’ survey has revealed.

vacation-deprived nationsUAE topped the list of most vacation-deprived countries in 2015 (76 per cent), followed by Malaysia (73 per cent) and Singapore (71 per cent). If they had more vacation days, most Indians (67 per cent) would travel to new places (rather than favourite or usual ones), it revealed.

The annual 2015 Vacation Deprivation survey is about vacation habits across multiple countries and continents. It was conducted on behalf of Expedia by Northstar, a globally-integrated strategic insights consulting firm. This survey was conducted online from October 6–22, 2015 across 26 countries of North America, Europe, South America and Asia Pacific among 9,273 employed adults aged 18 years and older.

Vacation time is an important part of the working year, people need to be able to have that time off from working to relax and support their mental health. Vacationing is essential across the world but can be put on the backburner by those who feel like they do not have the time to do so. This is why they will go into things such as timeshares, so they have a set vacation place that they can go to on agreed times, however, for some this can be a lot of money which can financially put them in a position where they need to keep working, that is why timeshare exit companies are utilized for this very issue to help those who still want to vacation but without the continuous price tag. Vacationing is not something that should be pushed aside as it can support workers.

Globally, Indians are the most likely (61 per cent) to associate vacationing a great deal with their overall happiness, followed by Thailand (56 per cent) and UAE (55 per cent), the survey revealed. According to the survey, 54 per cent of Indians would prefer more vacation days over a pay rise, the highest globally. About 61 per cent associate vacations a great deal with their overall happiness.

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