India ranks at 13th position in the world in terms of generation electricity from nuclear source and expects to increase the installed nuclear power capacity from 5,780 MW to 10,080 MW by 2019.

This information was given by Minister of State (MoS) Dr Jitendra Singh in written reply in the Rajya Sabha to an unstarred question.

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As per the written reply

  • The ranking was based upon the data published by Power Reactor Information System (PRIS) of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in 2014.
  • India’s current installed nuclear power capacity is 5780 MW. It is expected to increase to 10080 MW by 2019 on progressive completion of projects.
  • Union Government also has accorded sanction for two more projects with a total capacity of 3400 MW.
  • In future more nuclear power projects based both on indigenous technologies and with international cooperation are planned.
  • The total requirement of nuclear fuel i.e. natural uranium is over 5 five years is estimated to be around 5,940 tons.

It should be noted that India ranks 13th among the thirty one countries in the world which are generating electricity from nuclear source.