UNGA Disarmament Committee adopts draft resolution backing abolition of nuclear arms

The United Nations General Assembly’s (UNGA) Disarmament Committee has adopted a draft resolution submitted by Japan calling for the abolition of nuclear arms. The resolution was adopted by 156 member countries, while 17 abstaining and 3 voting against it including China and Russia. But it failed to secure endorsement US, Britain, France and other key powers as they abstained from voting despite supporting it.

  • The resolution Stresses the inhumanity of nuclear weapons and urges nuclear powers to be more transparent in their disarmament efforts.
  • The resolution asks world leaders to visit the two Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki which were devastated by the nuclear attacks.
  • Since 1994, Japan has been spearheading efforts UNGA Disarmament Committee to introduce resolutions on nuclear arms every year.

The UNGA Disarmament Committee or First Committee deals with disarmament, threats to peace and global challenges that affect the international community. It seeks out solutions to the challenges in the international security regime.

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