36 years on, China lifts 1 child Policy

China finally lifted one child policy after 36 long years. The policy was implemented 36 years back and was seen as a global landmark that reduced an estimated 400 million births and saved millions from starvation.  However, The restrictions had also led abortion sometimes due to traditional preference for boys.

It initially relaxed the policy in some areas and later allowed couples, who were single children of their parents, to opt for a second child. It even led to the women trafficking as brides because men couldn’t find women to get marry. Beijing permitted a couple to go for a second child even if one of them was a single child to hisher parents in November 2013.

China will fully implement the policy of `one couple, two children’ in a proactive response to the issue of an aging population,“ the ruling Communist Party said in a communique issued after its central committee’s fifth plenary session held. This new policy may result in at least one million new births to help reverse declining population growth.

About China One child Policy:

  • It was introduced in 1979.
  • The only exception to the above rule was rural parents, whose first child was a girl. They were given the right to opt for a second child.
  • The one-child norm was implemented with the help of the Communist propaganda, disincentives to couples with more than one child, fines, forced sterilization and abortions.
  • Couples who break the rule were supposed to fill the fine, loose jobs, forced labor or to be sterilized.

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