In a family of six persons – L, M, N, O, P & Q – there are three males and three females. There are two married couples and two persons are unmarried. Each one of them watch different news channel viz. AajTak, Newshour, India TV, CNBC, Ndtv and IBN. P, who watches Newshour, is the mother – in – law of
L, who is wife of N. O is the father of Q and he does not watch AajTak or IBN. M watches Ndtv and is the sister of Q, who watches India TV. N does not watch IBN.
L, who is wife of N. O is the father of Q and he does not watch AajTak or IBN. M watches Ndtv and is the sister of Q, who watches India TV. N does not watch IBN.
1) Who among the following watches AajTak?
2) How is Q related to P?
3) Which of the following is one of the married couples?
4) Which of the following news channel does L watches?
5) How many sons does P have?
There are ten friends A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J sitting around a rectangular table in such a way
that four of them sit at the corners, two each on the longer sides and one each on the smaller sides, but not
necessarily in the same order. Some of them are facing the centre while the rest are not facing the centre. Not
more than two friends sitting together face the same direction. A sit in the smaller sides and third to the right of
F. I is not an immediate neighbor of A, B or F but sits on the immediate right of C, who is not facing the centre.
Only two among four sitting on the corners face outward. H and D are sitting on the immediate left and third to the left of J respectively. One of the four friends sitting on the corner is I .E sits on the immediate left of D and is not an immediate neighbour of D. A and E face the same direction. D and G sit diagonally and face opposite directions. Five of them face the same directions.
that four of them sit at the corners, two each on the longer sides and one each on the smaller sides, but not
necessarily in the same order. Some of them are facing the centre while the rest are not facing the centre. Not
more than two friends sitting together face the same direction. A sit in the smaller sides and third to the right of
F. I is not an immediate neighbor of A, B or F but sits on the immediate right of C, who is not facing the centre.
Only two among four sitting on the corners face outward. H and D are sitting on the immediate left and third to the left of J respectively. One of the four friends sitting on the corner is I .E sits on the immediate left of D and is not an immediate neighbour of D. A and E face the same direction. D and G sit diagonally and face opposite directions. Five of them face the same directions.
6) Who among the following sits third to the right of E?
7) What is the position of D with respect to A?
8) Which of the following groups sit on the corners of the rectangular table?
9) Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence form a group. Which is the one that does
not belong to that group?
not belong to that group?
10) How many persons are not facing the centre?
Reasoning Quiz for IBPS| RRB – 321
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